Everyone is so much smarter than they realize. To learn about how smart you actually are you must start with small discoveries. Can you look at something, then close your eyes and remember what you saw? That is memory use. We use memory all the time and it is one of our smart tools. Can you see gaps in things, where something is missing? Another tool. Can you arrange things in sequential order? Can you arrange things so that they are backward? Have you told anyone about a movie you have seen lately? All ways to use your brain.
Many people want others to see them as smart. That is understandable. But if you doubt your own smartness it won't matter in the long run how others see you. You can brag and show off a lot to try to impress others but you will end up looking foolish. Being smart is the ability to deal with your life in a satisfying way. Once in a while it matters what others think. We like to get good grades. We like to be seen as successful at work. But turning in homework that is neat goes a long way to get grades. Showing up on time to work impresses the boss. But school or work can be a very small part of a great big wonderful world. It is very smart to find ways to not let either work or school be a source of stress. Try a game of adventure and discovery. That can be fun. Keep an adventure log. If you don't like something, write it down in your adventure log as something you didn't like. It is smart to discover things. Make decisions about changes you can make in your likes or actions so your environment works better for you. Intelligence is the ability to learn from your environment. Learn and change. Put on that smart hat and have a good year.
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