Thursday, January 7, 2016

Be Smart Like a Cat

  When it is time to learn something new you have to overcome a few things.  There is the inertia of the way things have been going along the same, without this new knowledge.  Then there is the uncertainty about whether it is of value or worth the trouble.We want variety but we just don't know about this new stuff.  Here is where watching the way a kitten approaches a new box to play with can pay off.  There will be a sneak approach.  Then a jump back.  Maybe a sideways sidle will take place.  Then a paw might reach out and bat at the box.  Maybe the kitten will try to bite the box.  There is not any prolonged contact with the box right away.  It is explored from all sides and in many ways.  Only when the kitten feels comfortable with that box will it become a place to crawl into and relax or groom itself.
   You can do the same thing.  Math, for instance, is simply counting.  But it can be counting in very complex ways.  Jump at it.  Play around with the concepts.  Jump back.  Go to a familiar place.  Find ways to jump at it from above.  Little bites and shoves.  Don't turn your back on it.  There is a reason people decided to count things.  When these reasons make sense to you there will be an "aha" moment.  Approach life like a cat and your Smart Hat will stand up proud and tall.

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