Friday, April 15, 2016

It's Time To Be Smart

I write this blog to spread the word that people are smarter than they realize.  A bit of education and a few clear thinking skills can do wonders.  But the two biggest blocks to being your true smart self are poor time use and poor self image.  Now I have to digress here a bit. It might be true, but I don't like it to be said, truly stupid people are too stupid to know they are stupid.  I think people try things and when they don't work out they are labeled stupid things.  Lack of awareness can be a protective thing.  Emotions play a tremendous role in all we do.  Emotions play a role far greater than most people realize.  So one of the first time management rules I would offer is: Take the time to be aware of your actions. Judge whether they got you what you wanted.  If they did, pat yourself on the back.  If those actions didn't work, pat your self on the back for putting out effort.
Rule #2 Set goals.  This is one of those big little things.  On nights I don't sleep well my main goal the next day if to find time for naps.  I might say I have other goals but my drive is towards a nap.
So there you have rule #3 Take some time, every day, to think about your drives, your goals, what you want, how you want to live, and what influences you.  It can help a lot to do this with pen and paper in the form of a conversation between your "I" and "Me" selves.
I want to add one more rule for "Taking time to show that your are smart." Rule #4 Take a wee bit of time, every day, to notice that you are actually taking actions towards maintaining and improving the life you are creating. Just by being aware of an idea that you like, your inner self will direct you towards making it real.  So let me recap: #1 Be aware of the role of emotions in your life. Negative ones are just a signal of a need for change. Pat yourself on the back for recognition and action. #2 Set goals.  Start small.  Keep at it. #3 Take self awareness time. #4 Take time to note your progress.  It might be your own little secret right now, but you are smart enough to have a better life and you can do it.  Put on your smart hat and go for it.